
Paul demonstrating how to use a repell extension for a class

Juneau Ice Field Research Program (JIRP)

Block 2 Teaching Faculty 2024

Instructed a group of 34 mostly undergraduate students on glacial deformation and ice flow as a part of a multi-week expedition focused on earth science, mountaineering and wilderness skills on an expedition across the Juneau Ice Field. I lead multiple formal lectures, small group workshops, and field based research experiences.

Stanford University Geophysics PhD 2018-2024

Instructor Apprentice for OUTDOOR 15 Spring 2024

Apprentice for a 7 day field based trad anchors rock climbing course. Assisted in site and student management as well as skills instruction throughout the course. I was lead instructor for the multiple skills lecture and practice session.

Instructor Apprentice for Rock Rescue Clinics Spring 2023

Apprentice for a 3 part rock rescue clinic series. Instructed skills for hauling from above, getting to baseline, ascending rope, and counter-weight and tandem rappelling.

Instructor Apprentice for OUTDOOR 15 Spring 2023

Apprentice for a 7 day field based trad anchors rock climbing course. Assisted in site and student management as well as skills instruction throughout the course. I was lead instructor for the repelling skills lecture and practice session.

Preparing Future Professors Mentee Winter 2023

Shadowed a calculus based physics mechanics course at West Valley Community College. Shadowed weekly labs and lectures for an entire quarter. Instructed 1 lecture on forces for the class of 20 students.

Teaching Assistant for GEOPHYS 190 Spring 2022

Designed and graded homework assignments, coordinated fieldwork for Near-Surface Geophysics course applied to imaging groundwater systems at Coyote Valley, California. Designed and lead lectures on geologic background of site, and ERT modeling software.

Teaching Assistant for GEOPHYS 120/220 Winter 2018

Graded homework and held weekly office hours for mixed undergraduate and graduate level course on continuum mechanics applied to water waves, volcanoes, and ice sheets. Also lead 2 lectures on ice sheets and ice streams.

Stanford University Physics BS, Geophysics MS 2010-2014

Teaching Assistant for Physics 43 Spring 2013

Lead 2x weekly hour long sections for introductory calculus based electricity and magnetism physics course. Assisted in grading and ran review sessions for midterm and final exams.

Instructor for Outdoor Education Program (OEP)

Volunteer Co-Instructor for an introductory course for undergraduate and graduate students. Co-lead weekly class lectures and weekend trips backpacking, snow camping, backcountry skiing.