
Journal Publications

Summers, P. T.; Schroeder, D. M.; May, D. F.; & Suckale, J. (2024). Evidence for and against temperate ice in Antarctic shear margins from radar-depth sounding data. Geophysical Research Letters,2024,

Summers, P.T.; Elseworth, C.W.; Dow, C.F.; Suckale, J. “Migration of the Shear Margins at Thwaites Glacier: Dependence on Basal Conditions and Testability Against Field Data,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2023,

Siegfried, M.; Venturelli, R; Patterson, M; Arnuk, W.; Campbell, T.; Gustafson, C.; Michaud, A.; Galton-Fenzi, B.; Hausner, M.; Holzschuh, S.; Huber, B.; Mankoff, K.; Schroeder, D.; Summers, P. T.; Tyler, S.; Carter, S.; Fricker, H.; Harwood, D.; Leventer, A.; Rosenheim, B.; Skidmore, M.; Priscu, J. and SALSA Science Team. “The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica,” Geology , 2023,

Bienert, N.; Schroeder D. M.; Summers, P.T. “Bistatic Radar Tomography of Shear Margins: Simulated Temperature and Basal Material Inversions,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022,

Summers, P.T.; Dustin M. Schroeder, Matthew R. Siegfried. “Constraining Ice Sheet Basal Sliding and Horizontal Velocity Profiles Using a Stationary Phase Sensitive Radar Sounder,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2021,

Conference Abstracts

SDSS 2023 Research Review May 26, 2023 Summers, P. T.; Schroeder, D.; Suckale, J. (2023, May). Radar Attenuation Signature of Temperate Antarctic Shear Margins.

AGU 2022 Meeting Dec 13, 2022 Summers, P. T.; et. al. (2022, Dec). Response of Thwaites Glacier’s Shear Margins to Ice Sheet Thinning and Surface-Slope Steepening. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

AGU 2022 Meeting Dec 13, 2022 Cheng, C. et. al.. (2022, Dec). Sensitivity of Subglacial Streams to Bed Topography: Introducing Small-Scale Bed Roughness Suggests Large Water Routing Uncertainties for Thwaites Glacier. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

AGU 2022 Meeting Dec 13, 2022 Teisberg, T. et. al.. (2022, Dec). Methods for Constraining Englacial Velocity Fields using Airborne Ice-penetrating Radar Data. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

WAIS 2022 Meeting Sep 27, 2022 Summers, P. T.; Schroeder, D. (2022, Sep). Evidence for Temperate Ice in Shear Margins of Antarctic Ice Streams from Airborne Radar Surveys.

AGU 2021 Meeting Dec 14, 2021 Siegfried, M. R.; et. al. (2021, Dec). The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

AGU 2021 Meeting Dec 14, 2021 Sandra, R.; et. al. (2021, Dec). Informing Bistatic Radar Experiments at Thwaites Glacier Using Bistatic Data from Greenland and West Antarctica. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

WAIS Workshop 2021 Sep 22, 2021 Talk Remotely, Video Summers, P.T.; Elseworth, C.W.; Suckale, J.; TIME Science Team (2021, Sep). Inward Migration of the Shear Margins at Thwaites Glacier in Response to Thinning.

WAIS Workshop 2021 Sep 23, 2021 Talk Remotely Summers, P.T.; Schroeder, D ;Suckale, J(2021, Sep). Evidence for Temperate Ice in Shear Margins of Antarctic Ice Streams from Airborne Radar Surveys.

IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2021 July 11, 2021 Talk Remotely Summers, P.T.; Schroeder, D.; Siegfried, M.R. (2021, July). Constraining Ice Sheet Basal Sliding and Horizontal Velocity Profiles Using A Stationary Phase Sensitive Radar Sounder.

AGU 2020 Meeting Dec 16, 2020 ePoster Remotely Held Summers, P.T.; Elseworth, C.W.; Suckale, J; TIME Science Team (2020, Dec). Processed-Based Models in the Wild: A Forward Model Approach to Constraining the Processes Governing Basal Strength at Thwaites Glacier. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

WAIS Workshop 2020 Sep 29, 2020 Talk Remotely, Video Summers, P.T.; Elseworth, C.W.; Suckale, J; TIME Science Team (2020, Sep). Investigating Mechanisms of Basal Strength at Thwaites Glacier using a Forward Model Approach. Recording of talk on \url{}

AGU 2019 Meeting Dec 13, 2019 Poster San Fransisco, CA Summers, P.T.; Elseworth, C.W.; Suckale, J (2019, Dec). Potential Formation of a New Shear Margin at Thwaites Glacier. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

AGU 2019 Meeting Dec 13, 2019 Poster San Fransisco, CA Liu, W.; R"ass, L.; {\bfseries Summers, P.}; Papula, A.; Suckale, J. (2019, Dec). Impact of Complex Topography on Thermomechanical Coupled Ice Flow Using the Immersed Boundary Method. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

SSA 2014 Meeting May 2, 201 Poster Anchorage, AK Summers, P.T. & Dunham, E. M.D. (2014, May). Conduit Processes Driving Pre-explosive Harmonic Tremor in the 2009 Redoubt Volcano Eruption. In SSA 2014 Annual Meeting Announcement.

AGU 2013 Fall Meeting Dec 2013 Poster San Fransisco, CA} Summers, P. & Dunham, E. M. (2013, December). Conduit Processes Driving Pre-explosive Harmonic Tremor in the 2009 Redoubt Volcano Eruption. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.