TIME Expedition Nov 2023 - Feb 2024
I was a part of the 2023-2024 TIME expedition to Thwaites Glacier, where we completed the final year of fieldwork for the TIME project, a part of the larger International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration. I worked most closely with Daniel (Danny) May, another graduate student at Stanford University who is developing a Bistatic Radar system using the pRES system and a fiber optic transmission cable enabling up to 4 km off sets between the transmitter and receiver. We installed 7 km of fiber optic cable and completed 8 CMP surveys across the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier. This survey was colocated with a comprehensive 3D seismic survey of 1000 nodes and 671 sources also done by the TIME team.
While transiting through McMurdo station, Danny I also completed 5 CMP surveys on Eastwind glacier and the McMurdo Ice Shelf. We were able to survey floating ice, grounded ice, and the brine layer.
My personal blog for the season can be found archived here