TIME Expedition October 2021 - January 2022
In 2021 I was a part of a small team that worked to recover equipment that had been buried over the past 2 years on Thwaites Glacier. The equipment was originally planned to only be out for 1 year, but due to delays from COVID, we were unable to return in 2020, and so significant accumulation of snow made recovery more difficult. I was a part of 6 person, USAP supported team at site T1 recovering seismic, GPS, and Radar while a smaller BAS supported team worked our of T2 recovering the seismic, GPS, and Radar equipment there.
Our season originally planned for over a week of bistatic radar surveys aimed at constraining the temperature of the ice and the bed character across the shear margin, but significant logistical issues shorted our season from 60 days to 15 days and so we only spent 2 days collecting radar data.
For our 15 days of field work at T1, we were blessed with perfect weather enabling us to still recover all the equipment and data stored on it, a massive success for the team.
My family blog for the season can be found archived here